New Labour: Garbage in garbage out

Of course, it's not just the additional taxation of rubbish, or the measuring of rubbish which is so appalling, it is the association of rubbish output with other taxation (in this case your council tax bill) which is absolutely and fundementally wrong.
It also seems to be that chips installed in bins for the weighing of rubbish would be a pre-cursor to reading the contents of rubbish where every item has an RFID chip embedded into it, opening the door further for the state to inflict a whole new menu of radical political punishments just for living.
The solution is to tamper with, or destroy the device which according to the Daily Mail is exactly what is happening in Bournemouth en masse (three cheers for Bournemouth then), and/or just tip your rubbish elsewhere.
But there are other questions here. This is effectively being blamed on local councils as some sort of 'grass roots', self-inflicted pious flagellation to appease EU rubbish targets (question: why are local councils trying to appease distinctly non-local targets ?), but this is not the whole story. Ben Bradshaw seems to broadly be taking the rap for this, which according to the Daily Mail 'will require new laws that ministers are preparing' . Twice now in the Mail, Bradshaw has been injected into these reports almost as a notional custodian of this scheme, yet he is only the junior under-secretary for the 'Local Environment, Marine and Animal Welfare'.
I don't know who actually came up with the idea (which seems to be the intention - I doubt it is the councils' alone), but Secretary of State for the Environment and Bradshaw's boss is David Miliband, the former head of Blair's Downing Street policy unit, and 'the elder son of Marion Kozak and the late Marxist theoretician Ralph Miliband "1, Ralph being a well-known figure on the left.
Perhaps Miliband, who according to the Guardian, 'in private, if pressed, will call himself a socialist', is going to throw his hat into the ring to make a leadership bid and while is personally titillated with the plans, doesn't want to be publicly associated with it, so maybe the idea is to sell this gigantic transformation and degrading exploitation entirely as a kind of 'local council issue', which mysteriously many councils are doing simultaneously we are asked to believe, and with Ben Bradshaw kind of glued on top.
In August, it was reported that Miliband (merely) said he is "interested in variable waste charging where the polluter is made to pay", yet by then the devices had already been installed secretly in thousands, possibly millions of bins around the country against the consent and wishes of people already paying for their rubbish disposal.
Also that month, when the story first broke in the Daily Mail under the utterly misleading and worthless caption of "Germans plant bugs in our wheelie bins", it was reported that the "the majority of bins have been altered without the knowledge of their owners. In many cases, councils which ordered the installation of the devices did not even debate the proposals publicly".
While the official reasons for the bugs were to "improve efficiency and settle disputes between neighbours over wheelie-bin ownership" and "Kennet Council chairman Gerry Knunkler said neither he nor council tax payers had been told about the true purpose of the bugs. 'I was assured these things were simply to ensure bins could be returned to the right addresses if they got mixed up or drunks rolled them off,' he said."
So who exactly is telling all these councils to put the bugs in secretly and lie about their purpose if they are discovered?
This has all the hallmarks of another particularly unpleasant New Labour plot in the making, the like of which characterised the lead up to the Iraq war; where the policy is known to be wrong yet has already been decided on and has to be arranged in secret with zero public debate about what it actually means.
When it comes to accepting authorship of tyranny and misery, this tiresome flavour of New Labour deceit has very much been Gordon Brown's approach over the years as well; distance yourself from ruinous policies you yourself are responisible for and let Blair take the heat, but it's also been David's style when difficulties arise; "when crises have occurred, as they regularly do in the education department, he has avoided damage: during much of the controversy over A-level results, for example, he was unavailable for comment, reportedly on a "fact-finding" mission in Scotland"
I couldn't find any mention of the plan to spy on, and tyrannize, the garbage of the country and lock people into their own trash output by comparing it to their council tax bill even on Miliband's own website, indeed his current job isn't even mentioned in his biography.
Nor could I find any reference to the scheme on his (allegedly 2) £40,000 government blog, where a search for 'bin', 'wheelie bin' or 'rubbish' returns no results. A search for 'tax' brings up 5 results which do not mention the scheme at all, which seems strange when you consider that such a sweeping and dramatic intention as this which has already been gradually implemented secretly over quite a period of time and will require new laws, would be something that the Secretary of State for the Environment would be very much talking about, as well as taking ultimate responsibility for.
Even more curious is that the plan is fully in step with Miliband's other ideas that he has vocally promoted himself, such as a kind of ID card for energy consumption, where the helpless state-worshipping proles can be penalized and punished but permitted to trade CO2 tokens with each other, so it remains a troubling mystery why Miliband refuses to be associated with this scheme which will similarly remove just another little piece of your humanity.
Why not email Miliband and ensure that he takes adequate credit by being as tied into this as his department intends for you to be tied into your rubbish by all means and tell him what you think of this latest plot.
David Miliband New Labour wheelie bin rubbish slavery
Imagine this.
You go to the supermarket. Every item has an RFID tag embedded into it.
You pay with your credit / debit card for the groceries.
When you take your goods home and consume them, you throw away the wrappers.
Now. When your garbage is collected, the garbage truck RFID scans your bin. Every tag that is in your garbage is read, and the details are transmitted wirelessly to The Council.
In these details are everything that you bought, the type of wrapper, (paper, plastic, glass or metal etc) the designaiton of the bin it was found in (paper recycle, glass recycle, metal recycle etc). Your credit card details are there also, as are the details of the shop you bought the goods from, the time they were bought and the amount you paid for them, and any discounts you recieved via Nectar, and your Nectar number.
Since your credit / debit card purchase was verified by your ID card when you bought the groceries, your uinque NIR number is stored with this transaction. The Council has the right to access your NIR number and record, and the details of this garbage collection instance, and all the details of what was RFID scanned in your garbage is stored at the NIR.
The Council automatically deducts money from your bank account, according to what it finds in your garbage. It also fines you automatically for every piece of garbage that has been incorrectly placed in the bins, i.e. glass in the metals bin, paper in the plastics bin etc etc. They will also make a note of all the purchases you made that were not thrown away in this garbage session, and make a note to look for the missing items in the next garbage run, lest you be RFID Stripping and illegally fly tipping your garbage to avoid being taxed.
This is what they are aiming for. Total control of every aspect of your life, from what you are allowed to buy to how you dispose of it. You will be taxed for flushing the loo. You will be taxed for buying tub of margarine. You will be taxed for throwing the empty tub away. You will be taxed for blowing your nose. For everything concievable you will be taxed, monitored and surveilled.
This nightmare is not only possible; it is being planned right now. The pieces are being put in place as we speak. If you accept these measures, if you do not deliberately and with malice of forethought and premeditaion, sabotage these measures, they WILL be implimented, and you WILL be enslaved to them. You, and your children, and your Grandchildren.
This is why you must on no account, register for the NIR by giving your fingerprints or other biometric data when you apply for a passport or other 'designated document'.
You must not buy any item that has an RFID tag on it, and or tell the shopkeeper to remove the tags on the spot or you will refuse to buy the goods.
Lastly and most importantly; tell everyone you know what you know.
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