It's interesting to watch how a large chunk of the media still respond to the destruction of the country they claim to report on. It very much seems they just don't quite know how to deal with it because they just can't accept
it is happening. Cameras everywhere. The police/Home Office announcing they are going to log all car journeys across the country, the carving up of the law, the removal of trial by jury, ID slave grid (ID cards), internment, protesters names permanently being put on terrorist lists and so on. They just don't know what to do because all Blair or one of his minions like Dr John Reid have to say is, "look the terrorists are going to get you".
And let's look at Dr John Reid, a Scottish (allegedly ex-)
communist who just recently was
proclaiming 'the
terrorists are using the media to propagandize about Iraq'. What terrorists ? Us ? The News of the World even ? Are terrorists the only people who believe a tenth-rate communist reject shouldn't be grandstanding about troops his government duped into Iraq on a monstrous
pack of lies to begin with ? He also likened the 'terrorists' to 'Nazis' so as to woo all you cretins into thinking that you are stoically fighting Adolf Hitler again.
(How do we sell our tyranny to the slaves)?Reid desperately needs to 'support' the troops, after all under the New Labour tinpot regime that has taken control of all UK institutions, the army are highly neccesary, as, to quote Henry Kissinger “dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy”. On the Blair/Brown grand chessboard British troops are but slaves to help conquer foreign lands for their global oligarchical masters.
Of course Reid's speech is amounts to a ridiculous bucket of crap unfit for human consumption. Total and dangerous and shocking propaganda, laced with Orwellian doublespeak and is really painting all free-thinking people as 'the terrorists'. Indeed outside of the propaganda rooms of No.10, the Whitehouse, the Pentagon and CIA there remains much debate whether Al-Qaeda even really exist in any tangible self-determining independent form, and even if they did what has that to do with Iraq ? To put it simply the UK is being duped into it's own ever-increasing prison, while it's armed forces are puppeted into wars of financial and strategic dominion under a manufactured government-led manipulation campaign.
The police, particularly the Met under the crackpot leadership of Ian Blair, are similar marionettes told to send out press releases of a '50 year war with Al-Qaeda', setting the pretext for an unending conflict anywhere and everywhere and a half decade prospectus to keep people in total ever-increasing humanity- and soul-destroying tyranny.
Of course what comrade Reid isn't telling you, is that while our exploited troops are made fools of and killed and maimed for nothing, the 'terrorists' back home have decisively
won the other war so sadly their brave fight has been in vain. But then Reid's speech was designed to lump everything together (Iraq, Al-Qaeda, terror etc) in one big swirling mess of garbage so that you may think British troops in Iraq are 'fighting terrorism'.
The UK has been beaten (well more cooked) into a quivering cowering useless pulp under the Blair/Brown/Oligarchy beast and is now falling over the cliff into all out tyranny. The 'war on terror' (which by it's nature must also mean a war on dissent and the inalienable right to defend oneself against tyranny) is truly a war on people, and none are suffering more than the British who are being conditioned into jellified slaves for the benefits of a handful of crackpots who presumbably are terrified about their own futures.
Interestingly though, Reid doesn't mention the most spectacular 'terrorist' achievement, 9/11. Now why is that ? A few rag tag fanatics letting off the odd bomb here and there just aren't enough to scare people into accepting this tyranny, so why didn't comrade Reid glorify and swim in grandstanding about the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, ...oh and WTC 7 which
those terrorists presumbably also brought down with their bombs ?
It is no surprise then that the military is having such trouble recruiting, and Gordon Brown wants a kind of pseudo-conscription by the backdoor of more gullible young cadets to fight his future wars that are already penned in. It's also no surprise that British defense R&D is now the exclusive property of globalisation.
In Mondays's Daily Express one of their columnists talked about
1984, about how Orwell was sickened by many in left's reluctance to challenge the absolute murderous hell going on in Europe under socialism (presumably people like Dr John Reid). But the author exemplified the Neocon/Blair/Brown trap the media have fallen in, and begins his article by blaming 'radical Islam' for turning the UK into a shambolic police state.
Now to be fair I didn't actually finish the column, and then accidentally threw the paper away, so I don't know if he went on to the come to the same conclusion as the rest of us, but it's not radical Islam, who have spent a quarter of a billion pounds on CCTV, and now want to record your car journey and track you by your face on a government database, it isn't radical Islam who are putting you into slavery with RFID'ed ID cards, are uploading your medical records to a government database, stockpiling your DNA and parading your children on ASBO TV for all to see. It isn't radical Islam who are hacking away at the law and the very democracy you live in, taking you into unrelenting slavery of a kind never seen on this planet before. Similarly, it isn't radical Islam propagandizing human chipping stories the day after the Brown-idolatrizing ID cards vote in parliament, or making sponsored-speeches about biometrics in supermarkets. And it isn't radical Islam sending British forces to their deaths on the back of old student essays plucked off the internet about Iraq.
It is a of course a fallacy to conclude that these things are a
result of radical Islam, they are political
choices, reflective of an ideology and, it would seem at least, derived from a manifesto that we are not yet privy to.
Indeed, who cares about ID cards, cameras everywhere and facial tracking grids if, as a result, the very country itself no longer resembles any semblance of something worth fighting for? Perhaps that is question now in the minds of UK forces who are literally dying for nothing. They are not fighting for freedom, justice or anything even close and their country has been fast tracked to destruction while they weren't looking. The UK is a place where real liberty is being removed at an exponential rate, a country where many appear to aspire to nothing more than shuffling along to their worthless cubicle job, holding up their Oyster card to a reader as they go, then binge drinking their pointless weekend away in a smoking-free zone while being recorded by dozens of government cameras.
In some respect, I guess these people deserve the government they have, but the media overall should know better. To be fair the Independent, the Guardian, the Telegraph and the Observer have made
some good noises recently, but the newspapers are often compromised, twisted and lost, caught in this trap set by the administration that to challenge our direction will put you at risk, leaving no option other than to repeat the propaganda offered by the government.
But we are now at a point, where the press, 'right', and 'left', need to make a decision about what they are doing, because the situation is at a distinctly dangerous point. It's not satisfactory for editors or columnists to cling on to their fetishes about Labour and projecting their personal beliefs onto the back of Blair and Brown and trying to pick out the worthless peripheral policies they may agree with.
It's no good talking about schools and hospitals when the basis of society they are built on is descending into a worthless stupified police-state. Similarly it's no good the Daily Mail cheering for more yob controls when the very solutions depoyed by this government are just more humanity-removing despotism.
Murdoch, is a special case of course, but blindly continuing to propagandize to the plebs on behalf of Blair and the Neocons when the UK and US are being slowly gutted and raped is starting to look ridiculous. Indeed even Murdoch has made some interesting noises lately, and he may be trying to have his cake and eat it, the News of the World has been doing some good scoops, but his generally never-ending stream of pro-war pro-anti terror drivel is disingenuous
shit, and I very much doubt Murdoch actually believes a word he is printing or broadcasting.
In the UK you've got this sickly double-headed beast of Blair and Brown that has hijacked and defaced the democratic process and poisoned the very institutions of the country. It is trying desperately to put people into a new kind of unending and every-increasing
slavery and
tyranny and a lot of the media still need take their head out their anus and start actually confronting the situation, otherwise they can only be judged as complicit in the process.
Iraq John Reid speech Blair Brown tyranny slavery UK media