The appalling and burgeoning
loans for peerages scandal has been an illuminating reminder to draw back the curtain every once in a while and reflect on who exactly is pulling the strings on New Labour, helping to hold them in government and inflicting this unbearable misery on the UK.
With the coterie of investors revealed, including IT bosses who already take nearly one third of their income via the public sector as unaccountable
parastatal inflictors of misery, and, who would benefit from the likes of the human ID slave grid
and who are then forced to
dismiss themselves, we can visualise more clearly than ever who has been funding the demolition of the United Kingdom.
If anyone thinks the New Labour project isn't a top-down funded imposition, the
Independent quoting the SNP's Angus McNeil notes that
"With 80p in every £1 received by Labour from individual donors coming from people who have received an honour and every Labour donor of over £1m in receipt of a peerage or a knighthood".Lord Michael Levy, described as a later-day Kissinger
1 by establishment-whistleblower Christopher Meyer, has of course long been identified as New Labour's star money-raiser and was the first beneficiary of Blair's generosity himself. Now Levy is being investigated for selling peerages in exchange for secret loans.
Along with all their declared donations, £14 million in clandestine finance poured into the New Labour project is a
clear and
unambiguous financial
endorsement of
perpetual war,
gigantic government,
unbounded corporatism, and a devastating programme of
dehumanization under the radical amoral fervour of Tony Blair.
And we can thank
Lord Levy for putting the UK on the fast-track to a third world police state, who's even confessed it is not Labour he is working for, but
Blair, and
is only fundraising as long as Blair is the premier. This is a staggering point to admit to, because it means that Blair, as the society-rewriting, Orwellian maniac figurehead is exactly and specifically what these financiers are investing in.
Yet, in the latest staged-managed
Anglo-American distraction to try to take the spotlight off of the Levy/cash/loans for peerages scandal and the outright boiling hatred toward this government, Blair has decided to pour gasoline on the fire and relaunch his retrospective justifications for assisting in the wanton pillaging, torturing and balkanization of Iraq.
In his speech to the Foreign Policy Centre (which was a Blair-launched 'world order' thinktank and unsurprisingly with Michael Levy 2 on it's council )...Mr Blair claimed the “true division” in foreign policy is between those who want a “closed” policy of “benign neglect”, and those who believe in an “open” policy that tackles Terrorism, injustice, poverty and environmental degradation “with equal vigour” RINFBlair's speech-writers have gone to great lengths to re-animate Blair's
1999 outlook of 'caring interventionalism'
(which could also amount to creating pretexts for forced globalisation and global centralization), to re-manufacture this mindblowing
lie over his role in creating the bloodbath in Iraq, his underlying message being,
'No no it's not a disaster, it's evidence for our principled zeal on a far wider pool of noble international 'concerns'.In the waffling speech, Blair has the audacity to talk about 'safeguarding our way of life' which has already been viciously and deliberately
liquidated by the
Levy-financed Blair under a quarter of a billion pounds worth of CCTV cameras, the suspension of trial by jury, internment, a growing Brave New World DNA database, ASBO TV, logging all car journeys, pre-emptive life sentences, a proposed ID slave grid and
myriad of other measures to make sure people know their place in Blair and Levy's modern forward-looking society. Blair also talks about 'shared values', which for Blair presumbably includes secret loans for peerages to bankroll his tyranny and fill up the Lords with grateful corrupt cronies, a colossal vat of lies to sell the Iraq war on, unbounded corporatism and his most-revered domestic humiliating police state.
Blair begins by talking about
globalisation, but unfortunately it doesn't matter what sweet nothings Levy and his collection of Blair backers whisper in the ear of their soiled puppet, unchecked and unbounded and even within the EU,
forced globalisation, is
destroying the world, not enriching it. More significantly,
globalisation, the
kind of globalisation we are talking about, where foreign companies run your water supply and defence research, itself, is not an
event worthy of celebration, it is a a symptom of
unchecked economic choices with zero-regard for consequence and without any consent, mandate or care whatsoever.
Throughout the speech, Blair
sanctimounsly masturbates under the blanket of caring pre-emptive modernism, so that he can gleefully lie, even to convince
himself that he will hopefullly be percieved
somewhere in history as a kind of righteous far-sighted illuminary.
The reality is of course, even the history books of the Neocons will only see him as a peripheral useful idiot, all too ready to betray his own country's troops to try and snatch a place in geopolitical glory.
Blair mentions various 'bad' regimes from his list, all potential targets of his 'open' foreign policy, yet states such as
Uzbekistan, favored by the UK as a prized
torture resort, or
Pakistan with it's puppet nuclear armed dictator, who's officials were happy to sell it's atomic secrets and who it is often reported provided training for the 7/7 bombers, or
Saudi Arabia where many of the alleged 9/11
hijackers were born, and home to many Bush family cronies are too useful just as they are to make it onto this 'progressive open' policy list.
People are judged by what they do, not what they say they are doing, and it wasn't a backdrop of modern caring interventionalism that laid down the atmosphere for war, it was WMDs, yellowcake, 45 minutes and an old student dissertation
plucked off the internet then literally
sexed up some more by Blair's spin doctor Alistair Campbell and passed off as the latest cutting-edge MI6 intelligence. Later the Downing Street Memo confirmed that 'well it's illegal so let's look for ways to make it legal', and as we peel back the layers of Blair's monstrous noble lie, we remind ourselves of the waves of scandalous propaganda needed to enable Blair's vision.
The truth is of course, Blair saw a magical political opportunity with 9/11 to present himself as a radical proactive ideologue ready to
rewrite the world. He could also
rewrite society back
home into his own image of a despotic police state along the way.
chose to throw himself onto the back of the Neocon PNAC project and the disastrous AIPAC-cheerleaded decision (
3) to invade Iraq as an opportunity to be seen as a high-minded and radical
reshaper of worlds, a mission now revised into the collective
blob of fighting 'injustice', 'global poverty', 'environmental issues'
and terrorism.
He thought that by
jumping on the bandwagon of the renewed-destruction of a country that had already been battered to pieces, and then repainting it with his ego-driven fantasy about why it was happening he would be perceived as some kind of international hero.
Blair talks about supporting 'Iraq's struggle for democracy'; a horrific bloody struggle that has killed and maimed
thousands and has been gratuitously
foisted on it's already sanction- and Gulf-war 1-
devastated population by well-meaning sociopaths such as Blair and delivered via a shocking hodgepodge of lies to mislead the country into this monumental folly.
Outrageously, Blair's speech designed to repaint his catastrophic horror of Iraq, is also about re-manufacturing the licence for
perpetual war, unchecked
globalisation and setting a context domestically for the endless
rewriting of society. These are not 'shared values' or 'common goals', they are the visonary radical fanaticism of Blair, hopelessly glued on top of the economic cesspit of globlisation, the lunatic empirical Neocon machinations and Blair's obsession with elite global quangos, all vigorously endorsed by Levy and his secret creditors and donors who have actively sought to cultivate this abomination.
Tony Blair speech Foreign Policy Center Iraq cash for peerages Lord Levy Lord Cashpoint New Labour donations